Saturday, September 19, 2009

Things I might want to get used too...

Italians and Americans are a little different... Americans sleep in, Italians don't sleep at all. Americans wear flip flops, Italians wear stilettos on cobblestone. Americans dream of living in Italy, Italians dream of visiting America for a short period of time. Americans let their children run around naked, Italians let their children run around dressed in clothes more expensive than their own. Americans take pictures of ancient buildings, Italians live in ancient buildings.

No matter how amazingly frustrated I may be with the language, I can't allow that to dampen the fact that I am on the adventure of my life and can't let it blind me to the beautiful place in which I live!!

You can't go everywhere... choose some really great places and take advantage of them while you can.

No matter how many pictures I take, they never do this amazing country any justice.

Take advantage of the food and the wine because it really is the best in the world... no matter how "bad" the restaurant is... it's still amazing... and I'm going to be soooooo cushy by the end of this year!!

the dogs in Italy are the best in the world, not only are they cute or beautiful but they are happy and never scary... how is that?? I think Americans are too serious with their poor puppies who just want to have fun!!!!!

When you're in Italy, time is an illusion. It doesn't matter if you're American, Italian, Teacher, Student, old or young... don't be on time because if you are, you'll be disappointed!!

The Italian world doesn't sleep... How is it possible to not be in bed until four every night and then find the streets crowded and teaming with people at seven and eight in the morning... i can't do it... I'm trying and I'll tell you, it's funny.

** warning, slightly inappropriate
Everyone warned me about the Italian men and their obvious ways of "appreciating" women... no one warned me about the way they openly talk about sex and use slang when half the time they have almost no clue what they are saying. While I'm busy laughing inside my head and trying not to gape at them, they are there... almost innocent, shooting off their mouths to us Americans. It is one of the most hilarious things I have experienced here. If that's what they are saying in English I can't imagine the things they say in their own language. Oh my goodness

1 comment:

  1. Christina- These are awesome posts. It feels like I just started reading a great novel. I can't wait to see what happens next. I'd tell you to have an awesome experience, but it sounds like you've got that figured out already.

    Tina Taylor
